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How to find rentinologists inmy area who are up to date on Dry MD?

I have been to several retinologists in Northern New Jersey, USA. These practices are all "cookie-cutter, assembly-line operations" that are eager to set up and bill for injections. I was given Eyelea iand other injections despite dx for GA only. I have a family history of Wet AMD but not a diagnosis.

How do I identify a specialist who is able to discuss diagnosisi and most up to date treatment for GA, pros and cons of cataract surgery with GA.
How can I find a a doctor who will assess me given the new research and treatment options.

  1. your's is a very interesting situation. I have never heard of anyone being given injections for wet macular degeneration without a diagnosis of such, but I am not a medical professional. There are many ways to find a retinal specialist, but finding one with the time and inclination to discuss research and treatment options in detail, isn't so easy. I have found from personal experience that they will spend the time to discuss "things" on the first visit, but after that it is "just get on with it." I'm in Australia, but I looked at the website of the peak Macular Degeneration Foundation in this country, and they occasionally give podcasts or webcasts on latest research and treatments. I checked out the Retinal Specialists who were giving these webcasts and looked at where they practised, and of course, their credentials, interests and experience. I made an appointment with the doctor who does most of these webcasts. I've also had two personal recommendations to him. He was great on the first visit, had less time on the second visit, but I know that he "knows" his stuff. The US is a much bigger country, but I hope my experience gives you some ideas. Wendy, Patient Leader.

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