Active 6 days agozi am 92 years and last week I went for my injection with Eyelea in my left eyeAs soon as I got there I was told that the charitable company who was paying for my co-payment $330.30 no longer would pay because they ran out of money...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesCost
Avastin vs eyelea and other fda approvedMy mother is on avastin that is not fda approved. After her first shot she developed an rpe tear. Does anyone know if other drugs like eyelea that are fda...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCostEye Injection
Dr has suggested using a medication that will cost me $1000.00 I don't know the name I also don'y know if MEDICARE will pay for any part of it. What...Dr has suggest using a medication that will cost me $1000 for each injection; .has anyone else received that bad news?...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesCost
Overwhelmed but it's getting better.I am excited and comforted by the opportunity to communicate here. After almost a 2 year journey I finally got surgery. My vision was so bad I couldn't judge the...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDry AMDDiagnosisCost
Macular degeneration - The combined cost of drugs and treatment/consultationI have been newly diagnosed with wet AMD and am trying to establish what a treatment cost would typically be. I see that there is information on the drug costs...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCostWet AMD