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Working on computer

I have wet AMD in both eyes. After about 30 minutes of computer work, my capacity to read what is on my screen (large 27 inch monitor) is so greatly diminished that I get so frustrated that I just want to quit. However, that isn't an option for me. Any one have any suggestions?

  1. not being a medical professional, I don’t know what is going on with your eyes. I suffer from both dry AMD and chronic dry eyes. I have similar problems when I have too much screen time. My eye doctors say in this case it is the dry eyes causing my problems. If it you have not already spoken to your eye doctor about this problem, you might want to do that. Quite often we have more than one thing going on with our eyes. Hope you find a solution, Sharon Moore Advocate

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I do have severe dry eye issues. I will definitely have that discussion.

  2. Hi there! Thanks so much for posing this question to our community. You definitely aren't alone in feeling frustrated that technology and screen time cause you discomfort. Although I don't have easy solutions, you may find these articles written by our patient leaders helpful:
    and this article about blue light perhaps affecting eye sight
    I hope these are helpful! Please keep us updated on how you're feeling and what you decide to move forward with. Warmly, Abby (Team Member).

    1. thanks for the links - I will check them out.

  3. one thing that I do when working on the computer at any time, is to turn the brightness down to a level that is comfortable for my eyes. I know it has to be bright enough to read, but too bright actually hurts my eyes as I have chronic dry eyes and macular degeneration too, as do you. I hope you find some accessibility options that can help you. Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.

    1. that sounds helpful - thanks, I’ll give it a try!

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