I have Wet AMD in both eyes. My right eye was untreated for 4 days and I have only peripheral vision in that eye.
I have had this problem for more than 12 years. For the first 10 years the beta-dine treatment was handled efficiently without problems but now I am going to a warehouse retinal specialist and my eyes are burned every other time I go there. If I don’t bitch and complain it happens.
The doc that I used to go to is back now but it seems she is in the same mode as the rest of them, she used to apply the beta-dine with a sterile swab and it worked but that procedure has gone by the wayside.
One doc told me he wasn’t concerned about the irritated aftermath, one tech told me she couldn’t wash out the eye.
After 12 years I know what works for me but they do as they please. My eyes have been burned at least 8 times in the last 2 years. My eyelids are scarred from repeated burns that go on for at least 3 days.
I have considered not going back but I know I will be effectively blind. It is not an option for me but I am so tired of incompetency.