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Traveling with Macular Degeneration

Do you feel comfortable traveling alone with macular degeneration? Do you prefer to travel with somebody else?

Feel free to share travel experiences here.

  1. Prior to being diagnosed with myopic macular degeneration I traveled alone for business. Now I am very concerned about traveling alone. I hope the situation is not presented

    1. I can understand your concern about travelling alone with myopic macular degeneration. You might enjoy reading these stories by our Advocates who have done just that. I hope you find them encouraging. Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.

  2. I have to visit doctor’s office every 6 weeks now to have injection, I expect to extend longer time later, hopefully 2 months, then I can travel abroad.
    I am injecting Eylea for a while, it’s improving or sustaining.

    1. thanks for sharing what's happening with your eyes. I hope you can get the injection period spaced out enough so that you can travel. It's good to hear that your eyesight is improving or at least staying the same. Best wishes to you. Wendy, Advocate.

  3. Thanks, can someone share with me the difference or experience between Eylea and Avastin ? The cost difference is significant , I like to know the value difference. Thanks.

    1. only your doctor can explain the difference between the drugs. It is a decision that only a medical professional can make and explain. Everyone's exact situation with their eyes is unique to them. I hope your specialist will be able to explain why they have chosen Eylea for you. Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.

    2. Hi! Although medical professionals can only be the ones to really provide in depth information about medications, we do have some useful resources you can feel free to dive into if you have some time. Here are the links: , Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you for being here! Wishing you well, Abby (Team Member).

  4. Thank you so much.

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