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Shadows that fade

I have shadows in my central vision, but they aren't permanent. I see them in both eyes but not with exactly the same pattern when I'm in a darkened room looking at a lighted or white wall, but then gradually they fade away. I also see the same patches in white against black if I close my eyes, but again, they fade away. This doesn't happen all the time but it has been happening for at least two years. I have mild dry macular degeneration in both eyes. I asked my eye dr if that was related to my AMD and he said yes, but he didn't explain. Anyone able to tell me more?

  1. I can't really tell you more about these patches because I'm not a medical professional, but I can tell you I have EXACTLY the same thing happening with my sight. You've explained it so well, it was as if you were writing about what happens to me! I notice this when I go to bed - the dark patches are on the walls, in the centre of my vision. The right patch is bigger than the left, and my right eye was the one to develop macular degeneration first. If I stay awake long enough, and keep my eyes open, the patches gradually get fainter, but they don't go away. If I close my eyes, I see them as white patches. Then, hopefully, I go to sleep and forget about it! I've had this happening for decades, with the patches gradually becoming larger. I also notice, if I go to the bathroom in the night, without much light, I can't really see much out of my centre vision. I personally feel that, for me, all this is related to my macular degeneration and the need for more light for the central vision to function properly. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. my experience is just like described her shadows but in only my right eye. It is at the intermediate stage while the left is still early. It is exactly what I see on the amsler grid. Mine is directly related to macular degeneration. This article from Bright Focus explains what is going on
      Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

      1. it's interesting Sharon, that I dont see these shadows on my Amsler Grid, only in the dark in the evening. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. Yes, , me too. And, the shadows eventually fade. I once read an explanation involving the slowness of rods and cones to adjust to light changes. If it were all the time, I’d think, well that’s the damaged macula. But why does it improve? And I am sitting looking at that same white wall right now in the afternoon and the shadows aren’t visible.

      1. I also think it has something to do with the rods and cones, but it's getting a bit technical for me! I Googled "dark patches on walls" and came up with lots of articles on how to remove mold from walls and ceilings, so I'd better leave it there lol. I keep a small night-light on in the hall, and try not to worry about it. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    3. Hehe, if only there were some mold cleaner that would remove my dark patches. Thank you both for your responses. It helps to know that I’m not alone in having this weird effect. I admire your patient approach and it’s good advice. Light a candle and try not to worry. 😀

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