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I was told last Friday during an eye exam that I have pre md
None of my parents had it. I am 62 years old. I am devastated. The eye doc wants to see me in 6 months

  1. we all understand how you feel. Most of us felt this way when we were first diagnosed. Hopefully, you will be amongst the group of people for whom macular degeneration progresses very slowly. I have some friends whose condition hasn't worsened in years. Your doctor seems to be keeping a good check on you, having you come back on 6 months. Were you given any diet and lifestyle suggestions? A Mediterranean-type diet is thought to slow progression, and wearing sunglasses when outside is also recommended. Were you told about an Amsler Grid to check your sight at home? Your doctor might recommend AREDS2 supplements at some stage, but possibly not just yet. I hope, as you look around our site and forums, you'll find comfort from the experiences and tips of others. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I was told to take Vitalux I ordered prescription sunglasses. Thanks for the support

      1. that all sounds good. We're glad to have you in the Community. We're here any time for support. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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