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new glasses (again) or what?

Been getting shots for Macular Degeneration for years (now only the left eye). 2 doctors confirm that it appears to be stabilized, BUT the left eye is seeing wavy everything with or without glasses making it hard to watch TV, drive, etc. Even that star you see when they are photographing the back of your eye is very wavy now. Got new glasses just 3 months ago. Doctor HOPES putting shots closer together again will help, but says what I'm reporting is "unusual." I'm hoping others have had this issue and would like to know what steps helped.

  1. Hello . this must be a bit confusing for you, as even the doctors tell you that it is "unusual". I would just like to share what my doctor told me about dry and wet macular degeneration. She said that when we develop wet amd it has been dry first, and even if the wet is stabilized, and the bleeding stopped, the dry still exists. The dry may have already caused damage which is not repaired by the injections. This is my personal understanding from what she said. You might like to ask your doctor if this applies to you. Best wishes, and please keep us in the loop. Wendy, Advocate.

    1. I was always told mine was wet, but I'll certainly ask next week when I get another shot. Also, in the beginning, the doctor then concentrated on my R eye, and I kept telling him I thought the L eye was worse. Eventually, I was getting shots in both eyes (and now just the Left eye).

      1. I hope you can get some answers that make sense to you. And I hope you get a good report from the doctor. Please let us know how you go. Warm wishes to you. Wendy, Advocate.

    2. Thank You!

      1. ; Update: Been getting shots for Macular Degeneration for years (now only the left eye). 2 doctors confirm that it appears to be stabilized, BUT the left eye is seeing wavy everything with or without glasses making it hard to watch TV, drive, etc. Even that star you see when they are photographing the back of your eye is very wavy now. Got new glasses just 3 months ago. Doctor HOPES putting shots closer together again will help but says what I'm reporting is "unusual." I'm hoping others have had this issue and would like to know what steps helped. Do I try a new Rx for glasses or go to Cleveland Clinic?
        Zigzagging L eye update. Last Saturday, the zigzagging lines went away. Eyesight still blurry in that eye, but so much easier to see. Then, when I saw the retinal doctor (3rd time in a month), a bigger surprise was that I could see 5 lines better with my Left eye than I could for a long, long time. Doctor doesn't know why (or even what happened). Hubbie's theory is that something leaked out of my brain and moved something. Seeing a doctor about new glasses even though my last ones were in September today.

      2. I am so pleased you updated the community. you will probably never know why you saw the wavy lines and now why they are gone. I am so pleased that your vision has improved. I hope the new glasses help you see more clearly. Best wishes, Sharon Moore Advocate

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