I have both macular degeneration and glaucoma. The AMD is mostly in the right eye. My vision is good except for the wavy lines and glare.
I wear polarized wraparound sunglasses outside almost all the time and they work wonders. I see perfectly and my eyes are comfortable. Without them the glare is awful and eventually i have trouble seeing, it is like a kind of bright haze covers everything.
Indoors i normally have no problem except in one very brightly lit large room where i play duplicate bridge. After a few hours my eyes are red and it is hard to see, i feel like my eyes are hiding from the brightness. I think the lights are fluorescent. They do not seem to bother anyone else.
Is there such a thing as polarized glasses without darkening that i could wear inside? Is this problem due to dry eyes or common with AMD? Would otc eyedrops help?
Thanks for your help and benefit of your experience.