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Length of time between injections

What is the longest length of time you have gone between injections for wet macular degeneration? My father hasn't needed an injection for over eight months now, which is wonderful. I'm just wondering if this is common. Wendy, Advocate.

  1. I have dry macular degeneration so I don’t have personal experience with the injections. My sister has wet in both eyes now. She went 18 months between injections but is now back to monthly. I know her experience isn’t typical but wouldn’t it be wonderful if that was the norm? Best wishes, Sharon Moore Advocate

    1. my father had his third appointment with his new specialist a few days ago. No injection needed! That makes it at least 10 months now between injections. He doesn't want to see my Dad for another six months. I'm a bit concerned about that time frame. I'll have to stress to my Dad that if he notices any difference in his sight he must tell me. Wendy, Advocate.

  2. Thanks Sharon. Your sister must have been very happy the time she went 18 months between injections. My Dad is going for his second visit with his new specialist on Thursday, so we'll see if his "no injection" streak holds! Wendy, Advocate.

    1. I’m up to every 8 weeks I wish I was up to 18 months. Give him a big 👍

      1. thank you for your reply. It took many years for his vision to stabilise so I hope this happens for you too, and a bit quicker than it did for my Dad. He will be getting a lot of hugs when we can leave our lockdown in Sydney. Warm wishes, Wendy, Advocate.

    2. I don’t understand how people say that they go so long without injections. I have been having injections in both eyes for over a year now. Every 7 weeks. Now I am offered another medication that will take me out to 8 weeks. The next one after that was 12 weeks. I guess that’s the new one that came out in January. How does a doctor determine that option?

      I did have to have 2 more injection visits after my eye stopped leaking to make sure that the leaking had stopped. My next visit, I am supposed to switch to Elyra. I am a little nervous thinking that why should I switch, when the medication I have now is working good. Do I switch to gain one more week between visits? Is that the process? I know it is ultimately my decision and I will be talking to my doctor about it when I go on Monday.

      1. you ask very good questions which I grappled with myself on behalf of my father. I think doctors like to space out the injections as far as is compatible with successful treatment. They know that some people will drop out of treatment if the burden becomes too great. Exactly how they work it out I don't know. Please let us know what your doctor says on Monday. Another factor is insurance. Sometimes you have to try one medication before insurance will cover you for a more expensive one. Here's a link to the Treat and Extend method. Hopefully you'll get more answers at your next appointment. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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