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in and out

Thank goodness I have a great Dr.!! Been doing this for 14 years and am so thankful for the process my Dr. uses, I arrive on time for my 3pm appointment and I am on my was home by 3:20.. I think I could not do what others are shot is quick and easy..sometimes pain sometime not

  1. that timeframe must be the quickest we have ever heard about here. Would you be able to tell us your appointment routine? Do you have an OCT picture taken? Numbing drops? Numbing injection? Chat with the doctor? I would be interested to know how it is managed. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Sure no problem ..I arrive at appointment time ,,am taken to get the OCT pictures witch does not take but about 5 minutes..then to the drs office to read the chart and get numbing dropswitch takes about 8 or so minuets..a couple of minuets later and DOC comes....we chat a few minute..
      I get the shot and go home..God bless my Dr..I tell him all the tome how great he is after I read all the stories on this sight.

      It took me 3 doctors to find him

  2. I appreciate you detailing this. I think you have found the gold standard of care! The doctor doesn't seem to be skipping any steps and you even get to talk to him. Amazing in that timeframe! What were some of the deficiencies you found with previous doctors that convinced you to change? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. First was never taken right on time..after OCT pictures sent back to waiting room to wait to be called for numbing drops and read chart..after numbing drops had to wait in dark room full with other people waiting..sometpmes waited a while..then to the doctor for a chat and shot..this sometimes took maybe an hour and some..I have never liked needles any wear on my body i do get nervous so waiting a long time I not good for me

      1. none of those things sounds pleasant. I've also heard that some people feel the numbing drops wear off after a period, and they have to ask for more. You don't have to worry about any of those things now, which is wonderful. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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