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If you have Charles Bonnet Syndrome what were your earliest symptoms?

I was diagnosed with Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS)yesterday. If I had not ran across a Reddit thread on CBS I would not have known to ask my doctor about it. I only experience symptoms at night. A bright light when I close my eyes, random letters and number all jumbled up, & seeing strange shadows.

  1. I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with CBS. My mother had this, as you know. Her symptoms were much worse. I think her first symptoms were seeing shelves, which weren't there, on a wall. You are much younger than her and aware of what is happening. I hope your symptoms won't increase. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I am hopeful the Izervay injections keep the blank spots from growing. So far I haven’t seen anything strange in the daytime. I may think at first glance I see a large dog beside the road. When I get closer I find it’s a mailbox. I think my knowledge of Charles Bonnet keeps it from being scary to me. I realize I would need to stop driving if I see daytime hallucinations. Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader

  2. All I can say is we need a miracle.

    1. I hope they get working on new treatments for the wet and the dry form. My mother was legally blind with the dry form. At least they are trying for treatments and cures now. A miracle would be greatly appreciated! Wendy, Patient Leader.

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