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How often do you get new glasses?

Hello Friends, I have Geographic Atrophy, but have needed glasses since I was a toddler. My vision took a dramatic turn in September 2023, and again in March 2024. I got new lenses each time.
I believe I am currently experiencing another change. I the same heaviness in my eyes, and my glasses are starting to feel like someone else's. This is how I discovered the change the last two times.
I wonder how you fellow eyeglass wearers are handling changing vision and glasses. Do you update your lenses with every change? Do you hold out and do it once a year? Is anyone else experiencing this rapid of a change? What are you doing about eyewear? I'm afraid I may go broke getting new glasses every 4-6 months.
Thanks for your input,
Sarah Fisher

  1. i have geographic atrophy and experienced rapid progression last year. I had an eye exam in February for new glasses. The optometrist told me that my eyes have reached the point that changes to glasses would no longer help. Have you asked your retinal specialist if a change in glasses would Improve your vision? I began injections for geographic atrophy last December. I hope it slows the progression. Has your doctor mentioned treatment to you? Warm regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. how do you see then with out everything just blurry and fuzzy and Waverly.can you read or look at your cell phone.

    2. I don’t see fine details with or without my glasses. I don’t have any problems moving about my house without gasses. I use magnifiers to see fine details. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

  2. that is a very good question. We are probably all a little bit different. My problems with macular degeneration are wiggly lines (which make part of the text I'm reading appear wiggly) and blank spots. A change in my reading glasses can't "unwiggle" the lines or fill in the blanks. I also have cataracts so I'm not sure if the blurry vision I have is due to them, or to the macular degeneration. Glasses do help the blurriness. I am lucky in that I can get two pairs of glasses per year covered on my private health insurance in Australia. It will be interesting to hear what other community members do about changing their glasses. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I agree it is individualized. I have changed my glasses twice this last year and need a yag procedure but was recently told it is too risky to do at this time so I have postponed it. I do have an appointment on the 6th to see if glasses can sharpen vision up and I have an injections scheduled for the 7th. If it isn’t a significant change I will probably wait a little longer as I have already spent over $700 this past year on glasses. I will use the same frame if I do get new glasses. I am hoping new glasses will help me. I agree with Sharon once I was told glasses will not improve the vision. I am hoping glasses will improve your vision.
      Have a great day!

      1. that's a lot to pay for glasses! I'm about $400 AUD out of pocket for my monthly shots, so I'm glad I don't pay for glasses too. Best wishes for your next visit. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. I agree. Best wishes to you also! Thank you

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