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Geographic Atrophy Diagnosis

I have had dry AMD for 10 years and recently I have been been diagnosed with AMD with geographic atrophy. I have joined the group hoping to hear from others re the new drug from Apelis, Syfovre. Also took keep up with any new treatments that will come available

  1. welcome to our community! We are glad you found us! Hopefully others with any relevant experience will chime in. Please feel free to reach out anytime. We are here to support you in any way we can. Again welcome!
    Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

    1. welcome to our community. I hope people on Syfovre report back to us, but I imagine it will take a while until their doctors can determine if their progression is slowing, because it doesn't actually improve vision according to my doctor. Has your doctor recommended it for you? Wendy, Patient Leader.

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