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Izervay Injections for Geographic Atrophy.

Izervay was recently approved as an injection to treat advanced dry macular degeneration. We would love to hear from the community about this new treatment. Is this treatment something you would consider if your retinal specialist recommends it? What are your concerns about this new treatment.

  1. Izervay has not been approved for reimbursement through Medicare. Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. I was getting Izervay injections monthly since August 2024. I changed insurance and now have a new retinal specialist. He talked me out of getting the injections and now I'm concerned. I do have GA. I had more faith in my previous doctors.

      1. I would be very concerned if my doctor stopped my treatment unless there was a very good reason to do so. Can you switch doctors to one you have more confidence in? Keep us posted how it works out for you. Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader

    2. I made a complaint about the doctor. He was dismissive and actually said, "you know you won't go completely blind you'll just lose your central vision". He was awful and I've now been transferred to another doctor. I've looked at the new doctor's reviews and he seems to be very respected. I'll let you know.
      Thank you for all you do.

      1. kudos for speaking up about the doctor who dismissed your concerns. I hope you have a better relationship with your new doctor and get your treatments resumed as needed. Thank you for your positive feedback. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

    3. Thank you, Sharon.

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