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Antihistamine eye drops or no????

Hello! When I went to my latest optometrist visit, I told my doctor that I have been having more and more discomfort with my contacts. She said that she can tell my eyes look 'irritated' and suggested Zatador antihistamine drops. These drops have seemed to really help me, which is GREAT news; however, if I forget one night before bed my eyes hurt pretty bad the next day!

Anyone else have this happen? I'm going to chat with my doc about it soon, but I'm wondering if my eyes are becoming accustomed to having the drops and now are feeling worse when they don't 'get their fix'. Thoughts?

  1. Hi !! I'm so sorry no one has responded to your question yet and I wish I had a helpful answer for you. I'm going to post your question to our Facebook page next week to see if it gets some responses there - I'll let you know! Meanwhile, keep us posted if you learn anything from your doctor about this!

    - Shelby, Team Member

    1. Andrea, I use Op-Con A it’s an OTC antihistamine drip made by Bausch & Lomb. I’ve used it for years with no side effects and my RS is ok with it. Hope this helps. ❤️Richard

      1. Andrea, I use Op-Con A it’s an OTC antihistamine drop made by Bausch & Lomb. I’ve used it for years with no side effects and my RS is ok with it. Hope this helps. ❤️Richard

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