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What symptoms have you been experiencing lately?

A common symptom of macular degeneration is light sensitivity. Do you experience this or any other symptoms (e.g. colors losing their vibrancy, blurred lines, central scotoma)? Share with our community.

  1. Just darker vision and less clear vision.bright light is my best friend.

    1. thank you for explaining. I'm going to look for some today. I really should have some. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. you’re very welcome.

  2. No not yet.i do have a lamp next to my bed .but at bedtime I shut it off and it becomes very dark this disease is very painful and we will never be able to recover the vision we lost as this thing progressing.

    1. I agree, it isn't easy to cope with. I leave a small light on in the hall outside my bedroom. Other people have sensor lights that come on if they move. I haven't tried those yet. My Alexa will go on and off by voice command, and that is very helpful. Wendy, Patient Leader.

  3. No I'm the opposite I like the light . bright dosnt bother I use dark sunglasses.copper lens the yellow one didn't do anything for me.

    1. that is at least something to be grateful for. I hope you are able to manage for a long while yet. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. thank you I have a daughter but she has 2 kids and live 40 miles away.and I would never want her to care for me .

  4. I have changes in my vision, and I am glad I can tell you guys about it, I don’t want to complain to others who don’t understand!
    1. I see spots in both eyes, in my central vision, at night in the bedroom when the room is dark. The spots can be either dark or light.
    2. The rooms in my house don’t seem to be as well lit in the daytime as before, I have to turn on overhead lights.
    3. Vague sense of visual blurriness seems to come and go.
    4. Adaptation to dark is poor, and I just can’t see looking in the back of a dark cupboard. I scared myself driving on a narrow windy road during the day, which had many short, dark tunnels. My eyes couldn’t adapt well when entering the tunnels, and I felt out of control momentarily, and was lucky there weren’t cars coming in the opposite direction. Although it is a charming countryside drive, I will avoid that road in the future!
    5. Weird changes in color: pink clouds (which I know are actually white), orange edges to a teal bath rug, which actually has no orange, purple blotches when I drove at night, and today I saw colored geometric spots in my vision!
    Are these all expected changes with dry AMD? The Amsler Grid looks the same.
    I will see what my specialist says when I see him next month. thanks for listening, folks!

    1. I am glad you chose to share your experience with a community that understands. I would most definitely ask my doctor about the changes especially those things you see at night and the geometric spots. I am seeing various things at night. My doctor said it was Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Those with AMD often have difficulty adjusting t changes in light. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    2. Hi
      Having been the course with injections both eyes and caterak surgery in both, find my central vision at times is improved but my peripheral seems is a strain , and my frustration at simple tasks is worse, I am having to adapt my life to suit , not a groan as the support that has suddenly started to click in is wonderful Sheila H ( the macular society) who has been helping me adapt my Apple phone to cope with this modern applianc is so helpful thanks Sheila .Also to others at RNIB , Essex sight loss, ECLB (sure I’ve got that right ? ) and of course the NHS thanks all , I’m learning each day more about my condition knowing there are others more impaired out there , so am happy how I’m being guided to my modern , and sometimes funny way of life , you know the saying “if you don’t laugh you’d cry” So let’s laugh and support each other ? God bless . Colin

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