All the articles I have read indicate if you do not see perfect squares in the Amsler Grid go to the ophthalmologist ASAP as it could mean wet AMD. Well that's what I did just before the pandemic lockdown! The squiggley squares in the AMD was because of the vitreous pulling on the macula. 11 months later the doctor said I also had wet AMD and he started Avastin shots. The vitreous had gently detached from the macula. I then recalled 4 to 6 weeks prior to the diagnosis towards the end of my usual 1 hr brisk walk I would see a circular flicker around 1 inch in diameter in the right centre part of my eye. In the dark of the home it was quite distinct but would die down in 5 mins after the walk. Because it died down I did not think it important. I am speculating the walk increased blood circulation and leakage in the macula, enough for me to see it. If so this should be listed as a symptom in AMD.