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Vabysmo anti-vegf injection

if you are taking the new anti-VEGF Vabysmo share your experience here.

  1. I have been receiving shots of Vabysmo in my right eye for several months --and Avastin in my left eye. Previously, I had received Avastin and then Eylea in my right eye. The switch to Vabysmo is intended to lengthen the interval between injections, but it's really too soon to say whether this strategy will be successful: I have had only three shots of Vabysmo so far.

    1. thanks for sharing your experience with Vabysmo. I hope you are able to extend the time between injections in the near future. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

  2. Is there anyone here (or out "there"😉 that can tell us what is different about this particular med other than the fact that it is FDA approved and the others have been being used "off-label"? Thanks.

    1. Vabysmo is the only drugs approved by the FDA TO treat AMD block both vegf and Ang-2 in people with wet macular degeneration. You can read more here
      Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

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