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Seeing small print

I experienced in the last two weeks the use of very small print-10 point or less to provide the information for surgery approval. Before admittance, I explained that I was low vision and would need large print for forms or put the info on a tablet. Nope, it did not happen . It was ounder a plastic protector and in 10 point. There was no offer of assistance. The same system was used at a different hospital for my husband. I would like comments about this practice. What to do ? Thanks

  1. unfortunately your experience is common in the medical community. As to what to do, we should speak up each time it happens. I would suggest that you ask the staff member to read it aloud for you. If enough of us do that they would probably develop a large print version for the vision impaired. My drug plan sends out information in giant print upon request. I am glad you raised this issue. Sharon Moore Patient Leader

    1. Thanks for your suggestion. I researched the ADA ruling on this. ADA requires that large print is available. The type of font and point size is discussed also.

      1. good for you doing the research. Next time you find yourself in this situation you will know your rights. Sharon, Patient Leader

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