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I loved to read. I have early MD. I like to actually read a real book. I does stress me sometimes. I have gone to books on you tube. I listen to them while I work. I do try to read with a magnifying glass and I won't drive at night. My grandmother had the same issue with her eyes. She was 100 when she died and lived alone til she was about 97. I got diagnosed the year before she died. I was 63. I still work. Work got me bigger moniors . I have been straight up front with them. I have extra light and have several magnifying glasses. I told them I would stay working as long as my eyes allow me. I see two different eye doctor regularly. I take ARed one for my eyes. It has helped to slow the process. I keep plugging along until they decide to change them I will change. My Gram lived with the problem close to 30 years and managed. So will I

  1. I also love reading and I find reading a kindle helpful for three reasons #1 some kindles the kindle paper white for example that I read from have a back light, which means that I can read until the early hours of the morning if I want without disturbing my husband.#
    #2I can make the printas big as I need it at the touch of the screen
    #3 I can also make the print BOLD which again makes it easier to read, you may find that a kindle would be a great help to you also. I bought mine from Amazon but Curry's PC World sell them if you want it in a hurry without having to wait for it.

    1. Thank you for your detailed reply to about your experience with audible books and the kindle. I download free books through my public library onto my Kindle or iPad. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

  2. I love to read real books to but haven’t been able to see well enough to do that for years. Like mentioned, either listening to audio books or reading on a e-reader like a kindle works well for many of us. I’m glad to hear that your employer has accommodated your vision handicap. You have a wonderful attitude which is helpful when dealing with macular degeneration. Thanks for sharing your story, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. After having dry AMD for 7 yrs, I found reading became more and more difficult about 6 months ago. After visiting a local organization for the blind and visually impaired, they approved my use of BARD, the Braille and Audio Reading Download, from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). It is a web-based service that provides access to thousands of special-format books, magazines, and music scores. Their database of books is massive!!! It did take a couple of books for me to get used to it, but now that I am... 'reading' is a joy again. Unlike a regular book, I can do other things concurrently with artwork or cooking dinner. Paying for audio books can get expensive, so this service is an exceptional gift. They also have magazines - everything from Good Housekeeping to National Geographic to the Economist. I can't say enough about this opportunity. Please ask about it, if you find that print books are becoming a frustrating affair. Loving to listen.....😀

      1. thank you very much for sharing this information about the BARD system. It sounds like a wonderful way to get access to a large number of resources. Many in our Community will be interested in this. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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