While thoroughly enjoying a winter break at the beach, it dawned on me that I had my eyes closed as I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin, the breeze through my hair, the taste of salt on my lips and the smell of fresh air. NONE of which required my sight! It also occurred to me that during some of my most precious moments, I had my eyes shut - that first kiss from a soul mate, hearing beautiful music, praying and then, listening for answers to my prayers in silent meditation - all with my eyes shut! We CAN still enjoy life, even with poor vision. It also made me recall the article I wrote on Monet and Macular Degeneration - He declined cataract surgery for years because he liked painting what he was seeing - with cataracts! Everything flowed into each other beautifully. What kind of experiences do YOU still enjoy? What do you still look forward to hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting? Maybe our cup isn’t half empty - It’s half FULL! Linda Hoopes, Team Member