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October is Blindness Awareness Month: What should everyone know?

This month we're looking to raise awareness about living with blindness and low vision.

If there was one thing you'd like to share with the world about living with low vision, what would it be?

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  1. i would tell everyone to get their annual dilated eye exams. The earlier macular degeneration, or any eye disease, is detected the better the outcome. Too many people find out they have macular degeneration after it has advanced to wet. Sharon Moore, patient leader

    1. Talk to your Eye Dr about "Age Related Macular Degeneration" as I have. This condition is often Hereditary. If diagnosed see a Retina Specialist annually. Ask what Bauch & Lomb Areds 2 supplements daily as directed. Wear Polarized Sunglasses.

      1. thanks for joining the conversation with several great tips. I started out with annual visits to my doctor but as my vision had worsened I now go every 4 months. How is your vision going? Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

      2. these are all excellent suggestions. I agree with mentioning macular degeneration to one's eye doctor even if a person doesn't have it. It reminds the doctor to do a dilated eye exam and check for it. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. Shae Walters

      1. I would like people to have their eyes checked on regular basis by their Optician.

        1. thanks for your comment. That's probably one of the most important things people can do. And I think they should ask for a dilated eye examination so that the retina can be checked thoroughly.

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