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No Drozun on the Flovia

I was recently diagnosed with dry AMD. My mother had it so I was very upset when told. I'm in Britain so you see an optometrist at the beginning. Anyway, the young optometrist saw I was upset and on the second visit when I had the ocular ultrasound she told me I had good news as the three drozuns were not on the flovia and the macular was thick. Is this just a temporary joy?

  1. Excuse the spelling errors..."drosen" and "fovia"

    1. you would need your doctor to explain exactly what that means. I do know not all with drusen progress to macular degeneration. I would follow a healthy lifestyle that will be good for you no matter what happens. Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader

      1. I'm not sure about the thick macula, but I know the fovia is in the very centre of the macula. My Doctor said something similar to me. She said the drusen was not right in the centre, in my line of sight. That means that I don't notice the problem area so much as it isn't right in front of me. This is for now. I don't know about the future. Wendy, Patient Leader.

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