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Macular Dystrophy

I may have posted this before but like my eye sight, do not remember. Anyone else have this condition and does the AREDS 2 vitamine help with it.

  1. I personally feel that the AREDS2 supplements have helped me. I've been taking them for over ten years. I have now developed the wet form in one eye, but I do feel that this might have happened earlier had I not been taking the supplements. The thing is, there is no real way to tell what would have happened if I hadn't taken them. They're not suitable for every stage of dry macular degeneration, you a retina specialist should advise whether they are suitable for a particular person. Are you taking them? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I was told I had macular dystrophy, not AMD which is different. I know there are studies that say areds 2 helps with AMD but what about a genetic condition which is what I have. The eye doctor did not know if areds would help but why not keep taking. The problem I have with the areds pill is there is way to much vitamine E which I think can be bad.

      1. some community members source supplements that have less, or none, of the particular vitamin or mineral that worries them. Zinc is a good example of this. Some people, for their own reasons, take supplements with little or no zinc. I had a quick look online, and there are supplements that are similar to the AREDS2 formulation without any Vitamin E. Perhaps you could ask your doctor about these. Wendy, Patient Leader.

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