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Macular, degeneration and hydroxychloroquine

I have rheumatoid arthritis and my rheumatologist just switched me from sulfasalazine to hydroxychloroquine. One of the past side effects concerns the retina. Have any of you had this situation? I’m trying to decide if I want to make that change.

  1. thanks for your question. If anyone has been in a similar situation, I hope they will comment here. It is difficult when medications for one condition have the potential to conflict with another condition. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Switching to hydroxychloroquine from sulfasalazine can indeed raise concerns about retinal side effects, as hydroxychloroquine is known to potentially impact the retina, leading to macular degeneration in some cases. It's crucial to discuss these risks with your rheumatologist and ensure regular eye check-ups to monitor any changes. Many patients use hydroxychloroquine successfully under careful supervision, so getting personalized advice and establishing a monitoring plan can help manage your concerns effectively.

      1. thanks for sharing information about medications that can affect macular degeneration. Do you have macular degeneration? Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

      2. Thank you, Nathon.

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