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Injection Routine Discussion Board

For those with wet macular degeneration, fill in the blank:

"My pre and post-eye injection routine looks like _____________"

  1. it will be interesting to hear about community members' routines. My father did nothing before his injection except get himself to the RS one way or another (even that was difficult!) He could have gone armed with a few more questions. I should have helped him more with this. I wish I had known how to help him with the discomfort afterwards. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I have some pain after the injection lots of tearing and really messes with my sinus on that side of my face. Pain gone by the next day. I have been taking meds for my sinus issues. Anyone have this?

      1. they are not rinsing it out afterwards with enough saline. Also an injection that numbs the eye is very helping before the initial injection. .

      2. do you have the numbing injection as well as the anti-vegf injection? Some doctors give this extra injection and some don't. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. wcarpen5140

      1. Pre injections are like any other day, if having my left eye shot I can drive myself but I need a ride if the right eye gets the injection. I don’t feel any discomfort when the shot is administered and I can only tell it’s done because I can see the medication swirling around in my eye. After the eye is thoroughly rinsed and drops applied (no more tears and a drop with prednisone in it) I am on my way home. After the numbing drops wear off I have some discomfort at the injection site, it feels like something in my eye. This usually takes 24 hours to clear up. Some times I have no tearing and other times it lasts for hours.many times I will take a nap with a cold cloth on my eye if I have any pain. It’s a small price to pay to keep what’s left of my sight.

        1. the way I understood the comment No More Tears was the first drop applied followed by a drop of prednisone. Prednisone is a steroid and may be given to lower the pressure in the eye. I am not sure if it is routinely used post injection or only given to those with glaucoma. Your retinal specialist should be willing to answer any questions you may have. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

        2. A much belated thank you for your response and now I understand it better! Thank you!

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