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injection routine

I was diagnosed with wet amd in August 2022. I received my first
injection of Eylea on 8/18/22. Four weeks later another. Four weeks
another. Then went to 6 weeks. I am now on 8 week schedule. I
have a great doctor. Mabe I am just lucky but I have not had any
pain after my injections. Little feeling when getting injection but
only for a second. When I go for my injections my husband takes
me so I don't have to drive home. I am 76 years young and am
lucky to be able to get this treatment. My father had amd and did
not have these treatments available to him before he passed away.
For me it lets me continue with crafts and sewing. With out the
injections I know I would not be able to do this. Sometimes you
have to endure a little pain and discomfort to make life better.

  1. thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds as though your injections are going very well, especially as they have been gradually spread out. It's wonderful that you have a great doctor and the support of your husband to drive you. My father had wet amd too, and did have the injections, and kept his sight. It became a huge effort for him to get to the surgery as he advanced into his late 90s but at least he could see! He never complained about them, but he didn't enjoy going to have them! Thanks again for sharing your encouraging comment. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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