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Hey my name’s Jessica and I’m glad to join the forum!

Can anybody drop a few links of the current macular degeneration techniques they’re currently using? I’m using this free one but I want to see exactly what everybody else is using. Comment below

  1. Here is what’s working for me right now -

    1. Hi . Welcome to our community. Do you have dry or wet macular degeneration? Many of us are taking supplements on our doctors' advice. As far as I know, the only supplements that have been scientifically proved to help certain stages of macular degeneration are those that conform to the AREDS2 clinical trials. There are many brand names, but they will usually say AREDS2 somewhere on the bottle if they comply. Some community members take these supplements but choose to have a variety with less zinc. Saffron and tumeric are discussed on these pages, too, but I'm not sure how far along the research is on these. Hope this helps, best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

      1. I read through the information that came with your link. It certainly was long! I couldn't see where anything was free, but I could have missed that part. Have you checked with your Retinal Specialist that these are suitable for you? Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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