Do you experience floaters in your vision? If so, did you start to notice them before or after your injections? How do you find yourself dealing with them? Share below!
@abbyschmidt I have lots of floaters in both eyes. I had them even before I was diagnosed with dry AMD in both eyes. The number seemed to increase recently so I went back to my doctor. She said there is nothing wrong. I see them more clearly when I look at a large area like the sky or still water. They are annoying but don't really worry me. Wendy, Advocate.
abbyschmidt Community Admin
Last Updated:
I'm so glad to hear you made an appointment and were told that they were not worrisome! All my best, Abby ( team member).
Sharon Moore Member
Last Updated:
I have dry AMD but I have had floaters for several years. Some look like spots but I also see spider web type when I look up. While driving I experienced a floater that looked like a worm crawling across my vision. It lasted several minutes and was impossible to ignore. Thankfully it stopped after a few minutes. Sharon Moore Advocate
abbyschmidt Community Admin
Last Updated:
That's so great that the most bothersome floater settled and went away after a few minutes! They can be such a nuisance and hard to ignore. I'm glad to hear they aren't bothering you too much. All my best, Abby ( team member).
Mary Alice Member
Last Updated:
Ugh! I had floaters that were slight and raced across your eye and were gone. But in the past couple of years (I’m 71) there was a black “hairy” floater that developed and just stays in my left eye below the field of vision on the left side of my eyeball. Depending on where I am (lighted area or dark area - movement of people or things or not) I sometimes jump thinking there’s a bug right nearby. Doctor says he can see it but it’s nothing to be concerned about…I suppose I will make friends with my hairy floater. 😉
Brown Eyed Girl Member
Last Updated:
@Aiyiyiyi I have one of those long thin type of floaters too, plus lots of little ones. They're not really the type of friends we want, are they? But I guess we can't always choose our friends! Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.