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Eyes tearing

I have wet Macular degeration, does anyone find your eyes always tearing ? I'm puzzled and it's causing the edges of my eyes to feel chapped..

  1. I have occasionally had that happen, and I know it's difficult to cope with. Constant tearing is a known factor of chronic dry (not dry amd) eyes. I have never heard or read that it is related to macular degeneration, althogh the two can occur together. It is strange to think that dry eyes and tearing go together, but they do. There could be another reason for the tearing, but only your doctor or an optometrist could tell you that. Have you ever felt that your eyes could be dry (when they're not tearing!)? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Absolutely, they always feel like sand... I'm going to ask next visit.. it's scary to buy eye drops now because of the numerous recalls on them...
      Thank you for replying ❤️

      1. I had forgottinding about the eye drop recalls. Thanks for reminding me. I sometimes use a warm, damp facecloth over my eyes. I've also had great success with a microwaveable eye mask, like a Bruder, not the day of my injection though. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. Good idea. 💡going to try this tonight before bed. Thank you

      1. you're welcome. I hope it helps. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    3. ❤️

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