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I have dry AMD and Geographic Atrophy in my right eye.I have had 2 shots of Izervay in my right eye with problems.I get a shot every 4 weeks.

  1. thank you for sharing this with us. Do you manage the shots OK? Do they cause you any problems? I suppose it is a bit early to tell if they are helping you yet. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I am getting Izervay every 2 months with good results. Are you being treated in one or both eyes? Warm regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

      1. I’m managing the shots in my right eye very well.The only thing I don’t like is I can’t get any water in my eye for 3 days after the shot.That is no shower or washing my hair. Trying to rig up a water proof patch for my eye so I can wash my hair.

        1. I have the same restrictions. I have a really good shower and wash my hair thoroughly the day of the injection. Then I can wait out the three days with just a flannel wash here and there 😀 I forgot recently, and went in my pool on day three. It was 40 degrees C here in Sydney. Luckily I didn't get water in my eye! Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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