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Drusen reticular

Hello!, someone of you have reticular drusen?!

  1. Hi there! I apologize that no one has responded here sooner. We have plenty of articles about drusen that I'm happy to share with you:
    I hope you find these resources helpful. Has a doctor told you that they found drusen in your eyes? We're here to support you!
    Team Lead

    1. The Drusen in my left eye (Dry AMD) was diagnosed 2.5 years ago. Since I have Wet AMD in my right eye, I have several examinations of my corneas each year. The Dry AMD with Drusen has remained stable for 2.5 years. I have had no treatment for the Dry AMD.

      regards, ElaineD

      1. it's good that the dry amd has remained stable for 2.5 years. It sounds as though you are being monitored closely. Has the doctor recommended AREDS2 supplements? Wendy, Patient Leader.

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