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I have both nAMD and GA in both eyes. Driving during daylight hours still seems ok for now. For those of you who made the decision to quit driving, how did you make that decision?

  1. thank you for your question. This is a really important decision that many of us may have to make eventually. I've given up driving at night, as you seem to have. I'm still perfectly legal to drive, but night-driving just seems too difficult, with glare everywhere. It will be a hard decision if and when I have to stop driving completely. Do you know what the visual accuity requirement is where you live? Are you close to reaching that? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I'm still driving and must have to get used to public transportation very upsetting.

      1. but I guess we are all different how it affects us . how do you get rides to your appointments and is it helping you live better.

      2. I am so glad for your sake you can still drive. I pray we do get that cure sooner than later. Warm thoughts, Sharon Moore patient leader

    2. I do know the visual acuity requirements for my state. I wish they would have a piece that includes vision with both eyes open. I suspect my acuity challenges the limits. I do have a valid license but am concerned about liability issues that might come up in the future.

      1. I do understand your concerns. I would never suggest that we just wait until our visual accuity fails the test. I think I will give up driving when I don't feel safe, even if my eyes still technically "pass." My mother handed in her license when she couldn't see the stop sign that she knew was at the end of her street. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "a piece that includes vision with both eyes open." Would you elaborate on that, please?" Regards, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    3. Yeah, the vision tests usually check each eye individually. I don’t do so well when that is the method. But I know I see better with both eyes than I do with either eye individually. And I drive with both eyes

      1. yes, we drive with both eyes. It would seem to me that is what matters. Both eyes together is how we are tested in Australia. I'm not sure when my licence expires. I must check it. The doctors and optometrists are vigilant about reporting eye issues to our transport department here in Sydney, Australia. I find I can manage quite well with just daylight driving, especially in summer. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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