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diet and macu-save supplements

hi , im having 60 grammes spinach blended with milk and taking eye supplements. has anybody been on eye supplements to hopefully slow down my early stages of dry amd,

  1. many doctors recommend supplements which conform to the AREDS2 formulation. These supplements aren't suitable for everyone or for all stages of macular degeneration so it's important that your doctor recommends them. I'm attaching a link to information on that. I take this type of supplement. Leafy greens are supposed to be great for you, as well as a Mediterranean-style diet. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. I know about the leafy greens for AMD, however, I should avoid spinach because it contributes to my kidney stone problem. What is a guy supposed to do?

      1. The problem with spinach is oxalate. Look for low-oxalate greens such as collards, mustard greens, and turnip greens.

        1. thank you for sharing this tip. I have at least one large kidney stone, and I shovel the spinach down. I'll have to discuss this with my doctor. In the meantime I will be looking for some low-oxalate greens. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

      2. There are a number of good articles on eye vitamins on this website. I wrote one about the extraordinarily high volume of Zinc in some eye vitamins. The gov. daily recommendation is 40 g and one of the popular eye vitamins has 80 g. Some are highly sensitive to Zinc. Asking your doctor might be your first recourse and be sure to check out all the great articles on this site, including information about vitamins possibly helping up to 25% . It’s not a cure but if vitamins help at all, they’re worth taking, if you’re taking the right ones for you! We must be our own advocates. Best wishes in your research! Linda Hoopes, Team Member

        1. I too noticed the high Dosage of Zinc in the Areds vitamins. So I just take one a day. I started taking Balance of Nature fruit and veggies vitamins. I haven't noticed any improvement with my eyesight but I do feel better and have more energy.

        2. I thought about taking one AREDS2 supplement a day, too. But with the ones I take, that would have halved the lutein and zeaxanthin to below the study levels, so I stayed on the two a day. It is difficult to work out exactly what is best for each of us. My doctor kept me on the two a day, but I still think about the zinc. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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