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Had a central part of vision lost, went to three specialists, said that the vision was lost and nothing could be done and 'probably' done by trauma. I have had no accidents or incidents.
Found a speicalist in St Pete FL, she is working with me now. Tons of tests, no diagnosis.
So central part was gone, looked like a thick ameoba from science in high school. THis was February, all tests, doctors, in October, it was gone, eye sight was back about 80%, I thought is was clearing up or something had broken apart. Now eye is cloudy and tons of light, dark shadows, periferal vision is going. They haven't found a cause. Affects right eye but left eye is losing periferal vision. Bright lights are horrible. But not headace horrible.
I am at a loss and worried I may lose my eyesight all together but have no answers. Does this sound like anything anyone had gone through? auddon57

  1. you are certainly having problems with your eyes and I feel for. It seems unusual that you have seen so many specialists but still don't have a full picture of what is going on. Did any of the doctors give you a diagnosis of wet or dry macular degeneration along the way? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. No diagnosis what so ever as of now. No mention of wet or dry

      1. that is so difficult having no diagnosis at all, and you've obviously tried hard by seeing various specialists. Unfortunately I don't know what I would do in your situation. I can only wish you well and hope that another community member has some suggestions. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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