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Community Member Question: Can Scar Tissue Be Resolved?

A community member has given us permission to pose their question to the community. If anyone has had a similar experience, please share below!

I got home to the United States I got 6 injections in my right eye and they recovered my central vision but there was a dark spot in the upper left hand corner of my eye they say it is scar tissue so I only have 3 fourths use of the eye. My left eye is still good and I have not had any Injections in It. Is there anything that can be done about my right eye.

  1. I have the same situation of scar tissue. One doctor injected that eye several times saying it would help the rest of the eye, but not the scarring. Then I moved, changed doctors, and the new one discontinued the Ilea in that eye saying it would do no good for the scarring and I would not likely have any further problems with the peripheral vision for the rest of the eye. I would lilke to hear other opinions.

    1. I hope you get some community members sharing their experiences with scarring with you. Everyone is different, but it is useful to hear what others have been through. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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