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blood in the eye for about 3 weeks following the injection

I suffer from a huge blood hemorrhage for about 3 weeks after every injection. It is not painful. The doctor told me it is because I get a blood thinner medication (LIXIANA 60 mg.) and the needle probably touches a vein in my eye. can't find a solution to this very annoying problem of having a terrible red eye for 3 weeks !!! . I get an injection of EYLEA every 2 months for a wet MD.

  1. It is so unfortunate you have a hemorrhage after each injection. Have you discussed the issue with both your retinal specialist and the medical doctor prescribing the blood thinner? Your MD might have a suggestion to try. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. Dr. said couldn't stop the blood thinner since i had a VCA (Vascular Cerebral Accident)

      1. in your case the blood thinner is vital and can’t be stopped. From my reading there is really nothing to speed up recovery from the hemorrhage. I hope one day they have an alternative way to deliver the medication. I know there is research in this area. Sharon Moore patient leader

      2. in your case the blood thinner is vital and can’t be stopped. From my reading there is really nothing to speed up recovery from the hemorrhage. I hope one day they have an alternative way to deliver the medication. I know there is research in this area. Sharon Moore patient leader

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