I just read that vasodilators, i.e., beta-blockers have been implicated in causing macular degeneration. A long-term study at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, spanning 1988 to 2013, found that taking any vasodilator increased the risk of early-stage AMD. The study examined the eye health of 5000 participants during several decades. Among those not taking vasodilators, about 8.2 % developed signs of early age-related MD. Among those taking vasodilators, about 19.1% developed the disease. The research team also found that oral beta blockers like Tenormain and Lopressor (Metoprolol) increased the risk of WET AMD. In the population not taking beta blockers, about 0.5% developed wet AMD. In the population TAKING beta blockers, about 1.2 % developed wet AMD.
I have taken beta-blockers for years and have just been diagnosed with MD. I wonder if this could be a possible reason for my AMD.