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Beginning stages of dry MD how fast does it progress?

Hi, I have just been told that I have the beginning stages of MD, I assume it is dry from what I have read here. After reading and researching I have started taking the AREDS2 supplements.
How fast does the disease progress? Is a "usual" time frame a few years, several years, or decades before I begin to notice vision loss?

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. We can't give medical advice here, but from my experience, everyone progresses at a different pace, if at all. I have been diagnosed for yearly ten years, and I'm at the intermediate stage. I see a few wiggly lines and small gray splotches but the other eye compensates. I don't drive in the night if I can help it, because my vision in the dark isn't good. Some people progress more quickly, and others might develop wet macular degeneration. That's where the Amsler Grid comes in useful for checking your vision between doctor's appointments. When does your medical professional want to see you again? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thank you for your response. So this is a fairly slow progressing issue for most? At this point I am still on yearly check ups. My eye doctor had found a hole in my retina and referred me to a retinal specialist. He repaired the hole with laser surgery and said that I had the beginning stages of MD. But that I should continue to see my regular eye doctor yearly and be referred back when needed. Then he told me to watch for the warning signs of further retinal damage and to come see him immediately if they occur. I see my eye doctor again in July.
      I requested an Amsler grid when I joined this site but have not received it.


      1. I asked for a referral to a retinal specialist right away after diagnosis. My sister has and mom had wet macular degeneration. My drusen are the large fluffy kind most likely to convert to wet. Here is a link to an Amsler grid you can print.
        Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

      2. first of all, here is a link to a printable Amsler Grid for you. Any optometrist or eye specialist should be able to give you one also. Regarding how quickly dry amd progresses, in my experience it has been slowly, but I don't know if that is the same for everyone. It is a good sign that your retinal specialist didn't want to see you again in the near future and recommends yearly visits to your eye specialist. It can progress to wet amd though, and that's why the specialists rely on you to use the Grid. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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