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AMD Awareness Month 2025: Early Signs & Symptoms

Welcome to our forum dedicated to Macular Degeneration Awareness Month 2025! This forum aims to raise awareness about Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and educate the community on its early signs and symptoms.

We'd love to hear from you:

What early signs or symptoms of AMD did you notice in your vision? How did they affect your daily life?

If you've seen an eye care professional, what were the first things they shared with you about AMD? Any advice or steps they suggested for managing your condition?

Feel free to share your story—whether you're just learning about AMD or have been living with it for some time. Your experience could help others who are going through the same thing.

  1. Can mlnot read the green and white street signs. Eyes tire when reading, blurry vision. I have dryveyevtype. Presser AD 2 vitamins prescribed. Camnotvdruvevat night.

    1. thanks for sharing with us. You have symptoms that many of us are familiar with. I don't drive at night. The glare is too strong and I can't see lane markings very well. Have you tried e-books yet, or audio books? Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

  2. I don’t drive at night unless it’s a necessity. The lights and glare make it challenging. I also take Areds2. I have found wearing wrap around sunglasses do help though. Some days are easier than others. Jo

    1. I'm like you. I got caught out once driving at night and it started raining as well. I couldn't see the lane markings. Never again! I wear wraparound sunglasses, too, but I'm finding they don't let enough light in now. I'll have to get different ones. I hope things are going well for you apart from the night driving. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

  3. I have wet AMD In Right eye and Dry in left eye. I also cannot drive in the dark but, use night vision goggles in emergency. Also use yellow lense glasses to cut glare when needed, such as sunlight or computer. I also have Charles Bonnet syndrome.

    1. , I am glad you have found some aids that help you stay safe on the road when night driving is unavoidable. Those yellow lens glasses can really help at times, too!

      Thanks for sharing!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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