I have AMD, but I feel like I have something else that causing me to see so cloudy and dim, when I see light. and get worse when I go outside. My central vision is still OK.
Anyone else have such a strong Light sensitivity?
Sharon Moore Moderator
I have been light sensitive since my cataract surgery a few years ago. I have been helped by wearing polarized sunglasses went outside. This helps both with reducing the glare and also provides contrast making me see more clearly. A visit to my optometrist resulted in the diagnosis of chronic dry eyes in addition to dry AMD. Dry eyes results in blurring and painful gritty eyes. If you haven’t already shared these symptoms with your eye doctor it would be a good idea to let them know. Best wishes, Sharon Moore advocate
tomkhodayahoo.com Member
Thank you, maybe the Cataracts surgery many years ago is causing it. I will check.
Sharon Moore Moderator
I hope you can find out exactly what is going on. Let us know how it turns out for you. Best wishes, Sharon Moore Advocate
Brown Eyed Girl Moderator
I'm wondering if you have been checked for cataracts. I imagine your AMD doctor would have checked this, but cataracts can make vision cloudy and dim. I hope you can find out more from your doctor soon. Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.
tomkhodayahoo.com Member
Thank you. I had cataracs surgery many years ago, I will check with my doctor, maybe that is causing it.
tomkhodayahoo.com Member
Thank you, I will check with my doctor, maybe my cataracts surgery is causing it.
tomkhodayahoo.com Member
OK thanks you, I will on my next visit.
Wezie Member
I have had light sensitivity since being diagnosed with Meniere's Disease and Migraines. But since I noticed lately with Winter here it seems worse. I have dry macular degeneration in my right eye. I had my eye appointment yesterday and the x-ray showed another hemorrhage in my right eye. Maybe that is part of the change in the vision too.
tomkhodayahoo.com Member
No I do not have Wet Maculate.
Thanks anyway.
Brown Eyed Girl Moderator
that's good to hear. Best wishes, Wendy, Advocate.