I tested for an increased risk of developing AMD (Age-related macular degeneration) because I am homozygous for the CFH gene with genotype CC, and heterozygous for the ARMS2 gene with genotype GT. This means that I have two variants of the detected gene for AMD, my likelihood ratio was at a 4.49 (larger than 1 means more of a risk to get AMD).
I've done a bunch of research about the condition and how to prevent it and all.
I seen that it is possible to develop it when one turns 50, which is pretty darn young to start losing your central vision.
I'm pretty psyched out now from the results and can't seem to grasp control over my life.
What were your journeys, or what journeys do you know of about someone with a genetic link to AMD?
I had good vision in my teens up until I turned 19 and started wearing glasses because my long range vision got poor. I now wear contacts and glasses to drive, enjoy scenery, etc.
My parents are 44 and 50, no signs of poor vision their whole life.
My grandparents that are still alive are 65 and 75, 65 doesn't have poor vision, she sees fine besides wearing reading glasses, 75 also has reading glasses and recently undergone cataract surgery.
As for my health and diet, my BMI is a 24, so characterized in normal, I get annual checkups at my eye doctor, I don't eat as well as I should ... I should be eating more veggies and practice clean eating more. I should also exercise more for sure, ever since the pandemic struck I have been so home bound.
I am also a hypochondriac... every little thing about health scares me, getting old scares me, and well this test result really made me anxiety levels soar. I can't seem to concentrate on day to day activities as well as I should, I have been having some insomnia nights throughout the week. Well, I'm an anxious person in general.
I want to ask this forum, what were your experiences with AMD, what were your experiences with your family's AMD? Is it as scary as google makes it? Is becoming legally blind really realistic? What does your daily life consist of if you have been struck by AMD, or if you carry AMD variants?
Please advise, I'd appreciate some ease of anxiety.
-Throo Awao
Hi everyone, I'm a 22 year old college student. I recently did a 23andme ancestry test and decided to go forth and do the health report as well to have my genetic information.
I tested for an increased risk of developing AMD (Age-related macular degeneration) because I am homozygous for the CFH gene with genotype CC, and heterozygous for the ARMS2 gene with genotype GT. This means that I have two variants of the detected gene for AMD, my likelihood ratio was at a 4.49 (larger than 1 means more of a risk to get AMD).
I've done a bunch of research about the condition and how to prevent it and all.
I seen that it is possible to develop it when one turns 50, which is pretty darn young to start losing your central vision.
I'm pretty psyched out now from the results and can't seem to grasp control over my life.
What were your journeys, or what journeys do you know of about someone with a genetic link to AMD?
I had good vision in my teens up until I turned 19 and started wearing glasses because my long range vision got poor. I now wear contacts and glasses to drive, enjoy scenery, etc.
My parents are 44 and 50, no signs of poor vision their whole life.
My grandparents that are still alive are 65 and 75, 65 doesn't have poor vision, she sees fine besides wearing reading glasses, 75 also has reading glasses and recently undergone cataract surgery.
As for my health and diet, my BMI is a 24, so characterized in normal, I get annual checkups at my eye doctor, I don't eat as well as I should ... I should be eating more veggies and practice clean eating more. I should also exercise more for sure, ever since the pandemic struck I have been so home bound.
I am also a hypochondriac... every little thing about health scares me, getting old scares me, and well this test result really made me anxiety levels soar. I can't seem to concentrate on day to day activities as well as I should, I have been having some insomnia nights throughout the week. Well, I'm an anxious person in general.
I want to ask this forum, what were your experiences with AMD, what were your experiences with your family's AMD? Is it as scary as google makes it? Is becoming legally blind really realistic? What does your daily life consist of if you have been struck by AMD, or if you carry AMD variants?
Please advise, I'd appreciate some ease of anxiety.
-Throo Awao