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Right eye vision declining

I have been getting shots in my right eye every 12 weeks. I am due for a shot in 14 days. However i noticed a slight decline in my vision in that eye. So I requested to see the doctor in 7 days. Why is this happening?

  1. I think you've done the right thing. It's always a good idea to go back a bit earlier if you notice a decline in your vision. From my experience with my father, this is not an exact science. Doctors can't always tell exactly how long between injections is best for any one person. They often use the "treat and extend" method, where the time between injections is increased. Depending on how well that works, the time may stay the same, or be increased or decreased. I hope you go well at your appointment. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Thank you for your reply. That is what i thought. it is a small thing. I see well, It is a little fuzzy on some smaller numbers on the TV. It does improve if I use drops for dry eyes.
      Again thank you I get real anxious if anything goes wrong.

      Edie Laude

      1. your anxiety is understandable. I hope your sight improves a little after your next injection. Please let us know if the RS keeps you at the same interval between injections. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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