Has anybody been got any reading glasses instead off using a magnifying glass for macular deganation,
CommunityMember6f9741 Member
Yes. Reading glasses were suggested and after trying them I changed my regular glasses to prescription with 2.75 strength on the bottom. They make so much difference. I would recommend it. They suggested using reading glasses if I were reading a book or for long periods of time because of the constant adjustment. Good luck
Sharon Moore Moderator
thanks for sharing your experience with . It makes sense that increasing the bifocal strength would make reading easier. As much as possible I enlarge text on my devices to make it easier to read. Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader
CommunityMember29ec5c Member
Thank you all for your tips member 471 and sharon Moore
Sharon Moore Moderator
I hope you find the tips helpful. Reach out anytime you need support. We are here for you. Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader