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I have both wet AMD and geographic atrophy in both eyes. I have to alternate injections between Eylea and Syfovre. Who else is in that situation and how do you schedule injections so that both conditions are effectively treated?

  1. I have wet amd in one eye, geographic atrophy in the other so they each get a different medication. I schedule shots every 5-6 weeks with a few days between eyes. I'm going on a trip for one month so will have both eyes done at the same time for the first time. I trust my Dr and he has reassured me it will be okay. I drive myself so will just relax for a few minutes after shots before driving home.

    1. thank you for chiming in with your injection schedule. I hope you live close to the clinic since you drive yourself. My only concern would be the potential for both eyes blurring from the injection. Do you have someone you could call on if you were unable to drive? I hope your trip will be an enjoyable one. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore patient leader

  2. Sharon, I'm on my own so I always drive myself. The blurry eyes only last a few minutes so I'll wait till I can see well enough to drive.
    I will add that having the right doctor is so important. I began shots at the Retina Institute in central FL. Then I moved to Greenville sc and the ophthalmologist hurt me. It was the only time I've actually felt the shot needle! I told him he hurt me and he hurt me the 2nd time. I found a Retina Specialist who has never given me discomfort from having the shots. There's no reason they have to be painful or uncomfortable if done correctly.
    Well wishes on your journey as well!

    1. I'm so glad you found a retina specialist who could give you the shots without hurting you. No one should have to experience pain. I don't have any pain with mine, thank goodness. You obviously made the right decision to find another doctor. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

  3. thank you for this question and I hope you get a few more replies. Are you having both Eylea and Syfovre in each eye? That would seem to be quite a significant treatment burden. What schedule are you on, yourself? I hope you are coping ok. I think this is a relatively new concept for our doctors to grapple with too. Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. thanks for answering, yes, I do get both kinds of injections in both eyes. The treatment plan is complicated because my current insurance plan will only allow me to get injections in one eye per visit. That means I have to go two weeks in a row for injections skip a week and then go two weeks, skip a week and then keep going on like that. It’s been really challenging.

      1. I thought it may be challenging for you, even without knowing those scheduling details. Do you have far to travel to the doctor, and does someone drive you? My RS won't let his patients drive for 24 hours which is difficult. Wendy, Patient Leader.

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