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Not sure if i have the beggning of AMD and need advice

So im a healthy 49 year old, 2 years ago i went for a regular eye exam, had a basic eye scan etc, and the woman seemed to see something on it and asked me to look at a amsler grid and asked if everything looked ok. It did and she said fine. I had an operation on my left eye when i was a teenager as it was a lazy eye and she put what ever she seen down to that.

Anyways a year later i had another scan, this time a more comprehensive on as part of my eye exam, and by this time i had researched what the amsler grid was for and was worried about AMD. Anyways the scan came back ok and was told i dont have AMD.

Then 6 months ago i started noticing that if i look ahead a straight line that was off to the bottom left would appear "bent" for a split second and then straigten up when i looked directly at it. So i looked at the amsler grid and sure enough there is a little bent line in that postion. So i went for another scan and they compared it to the last one and said it was the same and to try not to worry.

The bendy line went away, but now 7 months later is back and in the same place....its really hard to explain the line if i watch football (soccer) for example one of the lines has a little bend in it but if i focus on it, it will go straight.

Does the early stages of AMD come and go like this? i would assume if it was AMD, it would not have gone for 6 months but im very concerned.

  1. Amd doesn’t come and go but doctors don’t always agree on the diagnosis. If you are seeing an optometrist you might want a second opinion from an ophthalmologist or retina specialist. There are other conditions that can cause the wavy or bent lines. My husband had surgery to repair a macular hole. It left a scar that causes him to see wavy lines. I hope you get it all sorted out. Keep us posted. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. So i went for my eye exam, and they did all the 3D scans etc....basically nothing has changed over the past year and a half. They were not coencerned at all...he showed me all the scans in depth and showed me the very very slight defect in the left eye that was more than likely causing my little wavy line.

      I pushed if this was anything to worry about and he said no, but they will keep monitoring it every year.

      I did ask about going onto Areds2 and he said it definatly wont hurt and to keep wearing sunglasses etc when im outside etc.

      So i guess its good news?

      1. sounds like very good news to me. Have you decided to starts the AREDS2 supplements? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. Hi
      Yes i have decided too, as there is the very start of AMD i guess, he sowed me the scan and pointed out what was the very beggining of it, but as its not got worse in over 1 and half years he said not to worry.

      But i will take Areds2, it cant hurt can it?

      Im still worried i will be blind in 5 years as i am a complusive worrier

      1. my so. Is a compulsive worrier due to OCD. It makes life hard for him. No one can tell you exactly what will happen in 5 years but usually it moves slowly. Taking areds 2 as recommended, wearing sunglasses, & following a Mediterranean diet may help slow the progression. We are here to support you. Reach out anytime. Warm regards , Sharon Moore patient leader

    3. Thank you so much ! hopefully therer will be some cure found soon !

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