I was recently diagnosed with MD in my left eye. This was discovered during a recent exam. Prior to this (my last exam was in the UK last September) there was no sign of it. I was sent to a retinal specialist to confirm that it was dry but it turned out to be wet. I immediately had an injection in that eye and started taking the eye health supplements. The supplements made me feel terrible so I discontinued them until I could talk to the doctor. What really worries me is that my eyesight seems to have deteriorated since I had the one injection a few weeks ago. I only had the recent exam because of a goof-up in replacing broken sunglasses (they got the prescription wrong and denied it so I went elsewhere) I'm due to see the retinal doctor on Friday for another injection. I should be relieved that they found it early but I'm confused about the rapid change in vision over the last 3 weeks. Any input would be appreciated.