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Diet Recommendation

I am writing as a caregiver to my husband. I will read these articles and email to him as his caregiver. He says he has wet in left eye and he gets injections every 3 mos. He can no longer drive. He tells me his right eye is normal. I have to verify that with his doctor. He also has cognitive problems only since his diagnosis so I can't take his word on anything.

  1. As a caregiver you can play an important role supporting your husband. With the added dementia that is especially important. Are you allowed to sit in when he sees the doctor? It would be helpful to hear what the doctor says. You may want to take a list of questions to ask. Warm wishes, Sharon Moore Patient Leader

    1. I want to wish you well in your caregiving role to your husband. It can be more difficult when someone has cognitive problems. Perhaps you can ask the doctor about AREDs2 supplements which he might recommend to slow the progression in the dry eye. I'm sure you will find valuable information and tips for coping in our articles. Please reach out again if you have any specific questions. Warm wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

      1. He is on Areds 2 and Goji Berries were recommended last month along with the Areds2, Coupons we receive. He was diagnosed with cognitive problems 2 years ago after the macular degeneration diagnosis 21/2 years ago. He has 2 neurological meds which seem to be helping the progression of dementia. He doesn't accept that glasses won't help the macular problem.

        1. it's interesting to hear that you received a recommendation for Goji Berries along with the AREDS2 coupons. I just had a quick look at the research and am attaching a link to a recent study. The study size was very small, and it was done on healthy people who didn't already have amd, but it is interesting to read and think about. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

      2. Did anyone else receive the Areds 2 coupons with the Goji Berries recommendation along with it. They are a bit pricey but if they help the progression of macular to slow down, they are Golden. We will see.

        1. No I didn’t receive the coupon. Please let us know what you think after trying it. Thanks for sharing, Sharon Moore Patient Leader

        2. did you find out anything more about the Goji berries? Have you decided whether or not to start your husband on them? Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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