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Any tips for reducing pain with shots?

Before getting my first shot in my eye EVERYONE told me: “You won’t feel a thing! Just pressure.” Well…..I feel PAIN. I feel the needle and I feel the flow of medication into my eye. Once, when I was at another facility (on vacation…a 5 day drive from here) they used some kind of cream/gel/foam in my eye and I felt no pain. But it was a long process, and isn’t available where I am normally. Is there ANYTHING I can take with me to my appointment and ask to be used?

  1. i am so sorry you are having so much pain with your injections. Have you discussed the pain with your doctor? Properly numbed with drops and/or numbing injection you shouldn’t feel more than slight pressure. Most commonly people complain of discomfort from the betadine. Regards, Sharon Moore patient leader

    1. Thanks….I have asked for more numbing drops….and he’s increased those. Helped with one eye but not the other. Guess I’ll ask to have them doubled again. I appreciate your response.

      1. just thought I'd add what my doctor's nurse told me at my last injection. Mine don't hurt at all (so far!) but I asked her about their protocol. They give four numbing drops over about 15 - 20 minutes. They will give another one if the patient seems to need it, or if the doctor is delayed. If the patient still experiences pain, next time they will use a numbing injection after the drops. They don't like to use more than 5 drops. Just a little bit of general information for you. I hope you can sort it out. Best wishes, Wendy, Patient Leader.

    2. Thanks….Im going to count my numbing drops!

      1. I'm off today for my injection. I'm going to time the drops myself if I can see well enough, just to double-check the procedure. I'll wear my smart watch. It'll keep me busy while I'm waiting! Wendy, Patient Leader.

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